At a glance 

Specific frequencies against Aspergillus (mold fungus)

Bioenergetic testing by therapist

At the loaded location, for example, lung meridian in asthma, liver meridian in a loaded liver

For self-help:

Supporting ChipCards:

  • Prepare with BiBlo to eliminate bioenergetic blockades
  • DTX activates excretion and detoxification
  • Diamond Shield Program Basic balancing of energy levels 


  • FVE - daily 8 min to open the intracellular space
  • Healing Frequency search term “Aspergill”
  • Frequency Compendium II searchindex Aspergillus

In addition:  

Depending on the disease combine with other ChipCards, for example, in asthma with Asthma Chip, Liver Chip for a loaded liver, etc.

About the mode of action

This ChipCard is therefore an essential component of Diamond Shield therapy, as almost all diseases are affected by aspergillae, such as asthma, hay fever, liver stress and cancer. An ASP ChipCard application is therefore also used for alcohol detoxification and general difficulties with rejections.

Application                                Time (minutes)

ASP 1                                       07:00

ASP 2                                       03:00

Supportive therapy recommendations

As a supportive measure of the treatment against Aspergillus we suggest to take Samento, 2x 8 drops daily as well as Mannayan black cumin seed oil as a cure for at least 6 months 3 times daily ½ Tsp (1.5 – 2 ml) before or when taking a meal with plenty of water.

Important! For detoxification: VegiManna, 1 teaspoon in a glass of lukewarm water daily.

You can find further information on VegiManna in the booklet “On the Curative Power of Vegetables” by Stephan Wiede