Simple and effective treatment of tendons and ligaments through the special meridians for tendon muscle

Alan E. Baklayan

April 2016

Simple and effective treatment of tendons and ligaments through the special tendon muscle meridians.

The meridians for tendon muscles are known in traditional Chinese medicine as secondary vessels. They always start at the end of a finger or a toe. They lead to the joints and branch out across the head and back. They start at the ends of fingers and toes and then run parallel to the main vessels. Their principal effect is on tendons, ligaments and joints. It’s important to know that they do not run through either hollow organs or organs.


If these tendon muscle meridians are disturbed, symptoms often appear in areas they cross through. These are often of purely local character. They also play an important role in the treatment of the so-called external illnesses, which come about through bioclimatic influences.

Their beginning point is the same as the main meridians. For this reason, it was immediately clear to me that they must be on the same frequency as the classical acupuncture meridians. They were just on another level, standing an octave apart from the classical meridians.

As a reminder:

If we, for example, know the frequency of the acupuncture meridian for the large intestine, and know that it correlates to the sixth level of the fourth stage (46), the

  • large intestine correlates to the fifth level (45) of the mental control of the large intestine (Fifth Chakra),
  • on the fourth level (44) the emotional blockades (Fourth Chakra),
  • on the third level (43) the function of detoxification (Third Chakra),
  • etc.

Each level down sees the ‘frequencies’ are halved…

Frequency of checking the lower levels

First of all we defined four stages from vegetative control to intracellular metabolism.

Definition of stages and levels

1. Stage

2. Stage

3. Stage

4. Stage

5. Stage

6. Stage

7. Stage

1. Chakra








2. Chakra








3. Chakra








4. Chakra







5. Chakra







6. Chakra







7. Chakra







Stage 1 1: Extreme poisoning (chemotherapy, drugs, (Psycho-) pharmaceuticals) Stage 2: Extreme poisons (chemotherapy, drugs, (psycho-) pharmaceuticals) Stage 3: Muscles, tendons, joints, scars, deep trauma

Stage 4: neurovegetative disturbances Stage 5: moving and steering of juices Stage 6: cellular communication

Stage 7: Management of the intracellular room

Two years ago, having defined the stages, we asked ourselves:

What is the significance of the continually increasing frequencies?

We observed their creation from the position of the development of vibrations, from the quickest to the slowest or from the finest to the thickest.

A reminder from your physics lessons:

One Hertz equals one vibration per second


10 Hertz represents 10 vibrations per second


0.5 Hertz is then one vibration in ten seconds.


0.1 Hertz is one tenth of a frequency per second or a wave which requires 10 seconds to vibrate.


0.01 Hertz are then waves which require one hundred seconds, namely one minute 40 seconds, to vibrate once.

Trikombin makes possible a measurement accuracy of up to six decimal places. This means a wave which takes 1 million seconds, or 16.667 minutes or 278 hours or indeed 11.6 days, to vibrate.

Yet what is the significance of these waves that continually decrease in speed?

According to our conception (see the presentation “Do control frequencies exist which steer the substrate of the living?”“ 2014), these would be the control frequencies for substances which are continually becoming thicker.

The continually slowing vibrations correlate to a continually cruder material. In other words – poisons!

The continually slowing vibrations correlate to a continually cruder material. In other words – poisons!

This new thought kept returning to me.

I defined 16 lower levels through continual halving of the frequencies 16 octaves down, between around 2 Hertz and circa. 0.000131 Hertz (which correlates to a wave which requires 2.12 hours).

We worked more and more with the very “slow frequencies”. And this saw a whole world of hitherto unknown possibilities open up to us. At stake was the frequencies or waves which required multiple seconds or even days.

The effectiveness of these slow vibrations in the detoxification process continue to surprise us.

The effectiveness of these slow vibrations in the detoxification process continue to surprise us.

Back to our theme:

Metabolism and proper movement from tendons and ligaments are much slower than cellular metabolism. As such I sought frequencies in the lower stages.

In addition, an important precondition for the very possibility of treating meridians is the one-off possibility of one-sided wobbling:

As a reminder:

One-sided wobbling

However, this effect, as with most therapies, was massively improved after we were able to apply through a relevant upgrade one-sided wobbling. To clarify: one-sided wobbling is when we want to make a particular area move – let’s take 70 to 75 Hertz as an example. The device always increases from 70 to 75 Hz, and then starts again at 70 Hz, and so on. It can as such be said to be always increasing on one-side.

One-sided wobbling producing increasing energy


One-sided wobbling creating decreasing energy


Habitual both-sided wobbling


Through this, the effect being sought is guaranteed. This is namely that the substrate of the meridian, or even that of the juices, is moved in the right direction and not all over the place.

Through this, the effect being sought is guaranteed. This is namely that the substrate of the meridian, or even that of the juices, is moved in the right direction and not all over the place.

In bioresonance circles, we have got so used to the wobbling going everywhere that we have questioned it. It’s more than time.

The effects produced by one-sided wobbling are new and worthy of attention

; above all meridian therapies are now possible for the first time.

Important instruction: the one-sided wobble technology is also integrated into the Diamond Shield Zapper!

Important instruction: the one-sided wobble technology is also integrated into the Diamond Shield Zapper!


The seven levels (Chakren) of the so-called third stage (37) particularly attracted our attention. The third stage begins with frequencies in the area of 0.016 Hz and extends to a frequency of 2.15 Hz.

At this stage, the seventh level corresponds with the personal life-rhythm of tendons and ligaments. It could be seen that this is exactly the frequency zone of the secondary tendon muscular meridian, and this completely correlated to the logic of harmonic frequency therapy.

If you know this, the treatment of these meridians and also the muscles, ligaments and tendons which run through them becomes child’s play.

My first researches in this area were so impressive that I immediately suspected that we had discovered an extremely important form of therapy. Muscle pains disappeared, convulsive tensions vanished, chronic joint strains eased, tendinopathies improved, just as if they had been treated with nails.

The most impressive aspect is that no pre-existing knowledge is necessary: You just have to follow the following pattern:

  • The patient shows the therapist the exact location and progression of their complaint.
  • The therapist looks at the table and sees which meridian runs through there.
  • The doctor asks the patient to grade the intensity of their pain from 1 to 10.


  • The doctor enters the relevant number into the program.
  • Adjustment: Low, sweep, one-sided wobbling to the right.
  • Finished!


    Large intestine meridian 3705

    Complaints for disturbance of the large intestine meridian

  • Pain, tension and strains in the areas affected
  • The arm cannot be raised
  • The neck cannot be turned

Application duration: seven to 12 minutes in average. In fact, it should be left running until improvement occurs, namely 20 to 40 minutes as during acupuncture.

Good performance is produced if the electrode is held in the relevant hand or placing it in the relevant socks where the complaint is currently located.

Ask the patient once again about the intensity of their pain. Improvements of 70 to 90 percent are possible.

For chronic complaints therapies should be repeated an average of six times. The Nei King is very pragmatic regarding the treatment of tendon muscle meridians:

“Continue to use the needles until the patient feels relief.” The pain point is a concentration point, and this is to be needled” (Nei King ch. 13).

The best is:

The meridian can be saved on a master chipcard, and the patient can use it at home on a Diamond Shield Zapper as often as they like. Or ask the patient to come to your practice twice a week.

Accordingly, certain indications related to the various meridians, which I have summarized here, can be treated with the program of the relevant meridian:

Disturbances of the meridians

Bladder meridian

  • Lancing pains with the swelling of the little toe and the heel
  • Tension of the muscles in the kneecap
  • Feeling as if the spine is broken
  • Tension of the tendons and throat muscles
  • Inability to lift arms
  • Lancing pain in the armpits and in the supraclavicular fossa
  • Headache on one side and facial neuralgia

    Gall-bladder meridian

  • Stiffness and pain in the fourth toe
  • Stiffness and pain on the outer bone as well as in the longitudinal direction of the leg to the exterior of the knee
  • Bending and stretching of the knee joint are impossible, stiffness and pain in the knee hollow
  • Paint in the upper exterior section of the upper thigh up to the hip
  • Pain on the rear of the upper thigh up to the coccyx
  • Pain on the side up to the ribs
  • Pain on the side of the ribcage, in the breast and in the area of the supraclavicular fossa
  • The left eye cannot be opened if the tension is present on the right side
  • Injury of the right side brings a laming of the left leg along with it

    Stomach meridian

  • Stiffness of the second toe and the leg
  • Stiff foot arch
  • Laming of the area which is nicknamed in Chinese the ‘crouching rabbit’
  • Swelling beneath the groin
  • Testicle inflammation
  • Tense and hard abdominal wall
  • Spreading pain up to the supraclavicular fossa and cheek
  • Sudden tilting of the mouth

    If the cheeks grow cold, muscles tense If the cheeks grow hot, muscles relax

  • In severe cases the eye can also be affected

    In case of heat (pathogenic bioclimatic Yang-Energy) the eye cannot be opened In case of cold (pathogenic bioclmatic Yin Energy) the eye cannot be closed

    Spleen-pancreas meridian

  • Stiffness and cramp in the big toe up to the inner bone
  • Pain on the tibia and the knee
  • Pain on the inner side of the upper thigh up to the tendon
  • Unbearable lancing pain in the genitals
  • Pain on the navel and in the loins
  • Pains spreading over the whole interior of the ribcage
  • Pain on the backbone

    Liver meridian

  • Pain from the big toe up to the malleolus internus
  • Pain on the tubeoristas tibiae interna and on the inner side of the knee
  • Tension and soreness of the muscles on the inner side of the upper thigh
  • Erectile dysfunction

    Kidney meridian

  • Tension of the footsole muscles
  • Generalized tension
    • For Yin impairments

      Feeling of heaviness in the upper body half

      The patient cannot bend backwards.

    • For Yang impairments

      Feeling of heaviness in the back side of the body

      The patient cannot bend forwards.

      Small intestine meridian

  • Pain from the little finger up to the epicondylus
  • Pain on the inner side of the arm up to the armpit
  • Pain behind the armpit
  • Pain on the rear of the shoulder up to the throat Loss of hearing

    Pain from the ear to the jaw

    Before giving a look the eye closes a moment

  • Tension of the throat muscles (as in torticollis) Swelling

    Feeling of hot and cold on the throat

  • In certain circumstances, pain across the whole course of the meridian

    Triple warmer

  • Tension and tears across the course of the whole meridian
  • Cramp in the tongue

    Small intestine meridian

  • Pain, tension and strain in the whole area of the illness-affected area
  • Unable to lift the arm
  • Neck cannot be turned

    Lung meridian

  • All the muscles which cross through the meridian are cramped and painful
  • Extremely heavy pain creates a feeling of tightness and anxiety
  • The shoulder is painful and cannot be lifted
  • Pain in the sides
  • Possible vomiting blood

    Master of the Heart – Pericardium Meridian

  • All areas which cross through the meridian are cramped and painful
  • Pain below the armpit
  • Pain in the chest
  • Feeling of anxiety

    Heart meridian

  • Painful tension along the entire course
  • Tension and pain with the feeling of straining at the elbow
  • Tension and pain in the breast
  • Syndrome of ‘accumulation of energy’ in the navel

However, further surprising possibilities reveal themselves to us:

Treatment of the rheumatic disorder

I have drawn form of therapy for the rheumatic disorder, the so-called ‘winds’, and the bioclimactic influences (meteropathy), from the classical texts.

It is written here: If the pathogenic bioclimactic energy forces into the outer layer, it creates a fullness, whereas the deeper layer (main meridian) remains in a situation of emptiness.

For this reason, the pathogenic bioclimactic energy is to be reduced on the tendon muscle (low) and toned on the main meridian (high).

If the pathogenic bioclimactic energy remains in the tendon muscle meridian, it forces itself into the main meridian, creates fullness there and leaves the tendon muscle meridian in an empty state. For this reason, in this case the main meridian must be reduced (low) and the tendon muscle meridian toned (high).


Good performance is created by combing the treatment of the tendon muscle meridians with the relevant main meridians.

For example:

Shifting acute pain principally on the trapezius

Therapy of the tendon muscle meridian Di

on the third stage seventh level

Program number 3705


Low, sweep, one-sided wobbling to the right, eight minutes

Therapy of the main meridian Di

on the fourth stage sixth level

Program number 4605

High, sweep, one-side wobbling to the right, four minutes

The necessary time for the main meridian mainly amounts to half of the tendon muscle meridian. Both meridians (main meridians and tendon muscle meridian) can be, if desired, saved onto a master chipcard.

Further impressive possibilities:

A further form of therapy are the so-called reunion points of the tendon muscle meridians.

Further three Yang meridians and Yin meridians of the foot and the hand have so-called reunion point, better-known areas at which they meet.


The three Yang meridians of the feet meet at the cheek. The reunion point is located at the lower level of the cheekbone in a hollow from which the connection to the upper jaw stems.

If this point is extremely painful during palpitation, as is the case in a trigeminal neralgia, these can be caused by a disturbance to the tendon muscle meridian of the foot. Above all, if the pain is spreading to different regions of the face, it is best to treat all three Yang of the tendon muscle meridans of the foot, namely bladder, stomach and gall bladder.


3728 stomach

3736 gall bladders

3740 bladders

one-sided wobbling to the right, low, sweep every seven minutes

The three Yin meridians of the foot meet at the pubic bone. From there, they lead to the stomach area and from there to the interior of the muscles of the stomach and the thorax.


If this point is extremely painful during palpitation and causes painful radiations into the stomach room, kidney region and thorax, all three tendon muscle Yin meridians of the foot are to be treated:


3737 livers

3721 kidneys

3723 spleen – pancreas

one-sided wobbling to the right, low, sweep according to seven minutes

The three Yang meridians of the hand are united at the side of the forehead.


If the migraines is caused by the tendon muscle Yang meridians of the hard, this point is sensitive to pressure. If there are radiations, an attempt with the tendon muscle meridians is to be made.


3719 small intestine

3715 triple warmer

3705 small intestine

one-sided wobbling to the right, low, sweep every seven minutes


The three Yin meridians of the hand are united on the side of the thorax in the infraclavicular block.

If this point is very painful and lifting the arm is impeded through this, treatment via three tendon muscle yin meridians of the hand can be attempted.


3703 lungs

3709 master of the heart / Pericardium circulation 3717 Heart

one-sided wobbling to the right, low, sweep every seven minutes

And once again, do not forget:

All meridians can be, if desired, saved onto a master chipcard.

We have put together for you a small folder which you can use as a cheat sheet.

I wish you much success using this simple, effective treatment of tendon muscle meridians and thank you for your attention.

Yours, A. E. Baklayan