The Diamond Shield Zapper – The handy frequency device

Supports you in the fight against parasites, borrelia, viruses and daily regulation.

Begonnen von Forschern wie Dr. Hulda Clark und Dr. Rife hat der Zapper nun durch Heilpraktiker Alan E. Baklayan und dessen intensive Beschäftigung mit Frequenz- und Bioresonanzanwendungen, einen großen Entwicklungsschritt gemacht – es entstand der Diamond Shield Zapper IE mit Mikroströmen und EMS mit ausgearbeiteten Wohlfühlprogrammen nach Dr. Clark, Dr. Rife, Dr. Beck und Heilpraktiker Alan E. Baklayan. Der Diamond Shield Zapper mit Mikroströmen, EMS verbessert nicht nur die bisherigen Zapper-Möglichkeiten, sondern bringt sogar komplett neue Anwendungsformen mit sich. Wir sind tagtäglich Tausenden von äußeren krankmachenden Einflüssen ausgesetzt, die beständig unsere Vitalität und Gesundheit schwächen. Um dieser Belastung entgegen zu wirken, eignet sich der Diamond Shield hervorragend!

What actually is zapping?

In this video, naturopath Brigitte talks about what a zapper actually is and how it works.

You can also find many more informative and exciting videos on our YouTube channel - so it's definitely worth taking a look and subscribing!

A zapper is a handy device that conducts weak electrical current at specific frequencies through the body via two electrodes for improved physical well-being and relaxation.
Naturopath Alan E. Baklayan continued the zapper research up to today's revolutionary Diamond Shield with microcurrents + EMS, which boasts considerable innovations and improvements.

This handy little device is used to support the body's self-healing powers and is absolutely unique in the field of frequency application.

Außerdem: KOSTENLOSES automatisiertes Webinar zum Thema Frequenzen und dem Diamond Shield Zapper

For all those who would like to learn more about frequencies and the zapper!

Have you been conditioned by a problem that no one can help you with? Do you realize how much physical loads restrict your everyday life? Do you want to finally feel fit and healthy again?

Then frequencies could be the right answer for you!

Die neue Zapper Community: Werde kostenlos Mitglied!


Here you can exchange ideas with like-minded people, find the most important news at a glance and have access to exclusive videos that are only available to our community.

Also: The new Diamond Shield Zapper Forum!

To be activated for our community area, please register here or log in if you already have an account.

Registration and use of our community area is of course absolutely free of charge and is purely for the exchange of information.

Über den Diamond Shield Zapper

Healing Frequency - Die Onlinebibliothek


We support the concept of Healing Frequency - the free online library and software for the individual creation of chipcards. All available Baklayan, Clark and Rife frequencies are included here.

Außerdem gibt es über
Chipcards mit denen Sie Ihren Zapper erweitern können!

Kommende Veranstaltungen zu Frequenzen, Chipcards und mehr, die Sie interessieren könnten:

Arbeiten mit Frequenzen und dem Zapper am 15.01.2024 um 17:00 Uhr 

Für Zapper Interessierte, Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene

Ein Zapper ist ein handliches Gerät, das schwachen elektrischen Strom in spezifischen Frequenzen über zwei Elektroden durch den Körper leitet zur Verbesserung des allgemeinen Wohlbefindens. Wichtige Forscher auf dem Gebiet der Frequenztechnologie sind unter anderem Dr. Hulda Clark, Raymond Rife, Dr. Beck und Hp Alan Baklayan.

Der erfahrene, ausgebildete Therapeut Hp Axel Forstner wird all Ihre Fragen rund um die Behandlung mit dem Zapper beantworten.

Bitte registrieren Sie sich hier:

Arbeiten mit Frequenzen und dem Zapper - Einführung

Wenn du das Universum verstehen willst, dann denke in Kategorien wie Energie, Frequenz und Vibration! Nikola Tesla

Und wie genau funktioniert das Ganze?

What is the basic idea behind the zapper? What do you need it for and what can it do?

We strive to fulfill two principles: regular discharge and a healthy protective shield.

Why is this so important and how can the Zapper help?

Erfahren Sie hier die Antwort!

Willkommen beim Institut for Bioenergetic Research Beirut/Lebanon

Bioenergetic Research is a non-profit organization dedicated to researching, disseminating and publishing information about frequency therapy in all its forms, including electrical, electromagnetic, music and color therapy.

This page is intended to inform the public about the incredible possibilities of all these forms of therapy
The recommended applications can be carried out with any commercially available frequency generators that have the necessary sophisticated technical features or specialized automated devices on the market.
The Institute focuses in particular on the research work of naturopath Baklayan Munich, Dr Clark, Dr Rife, Dr Beck and many other therapists who have dedicated themselves to treatment with these technologies.
Statements, research findings and recommendations on this page are exclusively from the working group of the Bioenergetic Research Center. These statements are in no way related to the intended purpose of the respective frequency generators, magnetic field, musical or optical instruments or their manufacturers.
These research findings are not recognized by science or conventional medicine and should never replace diagnosis and treatment by a therapist.

Erfahrungsberichte von Kunden:

I would like to thank Mr. Baklayan and the team at DermaVit and congratulate them on the Crystal program. I had some uncomfortable breathing problems and just didn't know what to do anymore. However, since I have been using the Crystal program regularly, the feeling of tightness when breathing has disappeared. The Diamond Shield programs, followed by Feel Good and then Relax - which I use every day before I go to school for work - have actually changed my life. I always set my alarm a little earlier so that I can do the Crystal program twice - this has been the solution to the panic attacks I've been having since my menopausal transition. And if I don't have time to run the programs before work, I take the zapper to school and use the programs at recess. Since you told me that these three programs together would help me, not a single day goes by that I don't use them. Since then, I no longer have to take pills for my anxiety and panic attacks. Kind regards